Galapiat Cirque


"Seagulls" online !

The programmation of our festival Tant qu'il y aura des Mouettes ("as long as there will be seagulls") is online !

This edition is special : Galapiat Cirque is 10 !!

To celebrate it, we propose 6 of our shows (Marathon XL sized, Château Descartes, BOi, Capilotractées, ParasiteS), some friends of Pétaouchnok create a Cabaret for the occasion and, of course, there will be concerts and surprises...

from the 25th of april to the 1st of may - in Langueux (Britany)

(ticket online on the 1st of april) You can download the programmation here.

festival co-organisé par Galapiat Cirque et la Ville de Langueux

© Sébastien Armengol

© Sébastien Armengol