April 2016
The eighth edition, celebrating Galapiat Cirque's 10th birthday!
Galapiat Cirque, 2016, 10th anniversary
You can’t miss out! We want to celebrate with you!
We have decided to make a special event of Tant qu’il y aura des Mouettes #8 festival, we wish to share the moment with you all and celebrate with our friends, spectators, volunteers, partners...
To top it off, six of our productions, a reunion of the protagonists of the Pétaouchnok project, concerts with our musician friends that we have met on the road and many other surprises of course!
Tant qu'il y aura des mouettes #8 was made with all those amazing friends: Pouk Personne, Sébastien Wodjan, Lucho Smit, Jonas Séradin, all the artists involved in the Collectif Pétaouchnok, Elice Abonce Mohonen, Sanja Kosonen, Moïse Bernier, Thomas Garnier, Nicolas Lopez, Victoria Delarozière & Pierre Guidi, Gwenn Jouin & Evelyn Caillet, Juan Manuel Vasquez, Gabriel Saglio and Marc Desaneaux., the artists of Deadwood, of Urubu Bal Forro, Pavan Takin, Baro Bialo, and of the Tire-Laine but also with la Piscine, Kick & Phuck font de la sérigraphie, les Guettes de Laurent Gerbouin, Les Oeils' crazy setting, Dézépions' games...
Download the 2016 program here!
May 2015
Tant qu'il y aura des Mouettes #7
The seagulls are back in Langueux, what a great piece of news!
We took a break in 2014.
We have reloaded our batteries, we have questioned ourselves.
We have talked about commiting, doing things together, differently.
We want to assert loudly and clearly that this is an event on a humanscale where people share and meet each other.Our seagulls fly beyond the built-up areas, they fly in the great open skies of the seas.
It's beautiful sight.. A mixture of circus and music, inside, outside, young and old, artists and passers-by, volunteers and neighbours.Our seagulls fly in a group.
A collective idea, surprises arrise... people participate, are happy and celebrate.Our seagulls shout.
A political arena, a place for debate, a place to invent different ways of making a society.As long as there are seagulls...
Tant qu'il y aura des Mouettes #7, sharing the bill:la FRAP and their off beat tours around the settlement, compagnie Toi d'Abord !, GÜZ II, Céline Glossin and Mélanie Lemarchand and their parent and child acrobatics workshops, Association Géniale, Contre Bande, a collective choreography of brilliant "loosers", Race Horse Company, the concert Quelqu'un, compagnie Inhérente, Bert & Fred, Erwan HaKyoon, LalalaNapoli, la Société Protectrice de Petites Idées, Kévin Legras and Michel, the rides in the horse-drawncarriage, Jérémy’s travelling bar, the fabulous dancing party Bal du Dimanche Soir, the Barjos des Cabariosités, the screen-printers Icone, Ludo Loco’s games, l'Escargot Migrateur with their workshops of empowerment education, Vincent Hursin and his prodigious making-of, the photo exhibitions of Sébastien Armengol and François Alaitru, a team of wonderful volunteers and of course, Sans oublier les Goëlands...
##### April 2013
Tant qu’il y aura des Mouettes... 6th year...
Circus, music, creations, encounters,
A fraternal, joyful and poetic moment,
shared happiness,
in the big tops, in the auditorium of the Grand Pré,
young and old alike,
sparkling eyes,
permanent smiles,
enjoying the moment,
All together,
Full of energy......renewable.
"All together" with Le Ptit Cirk, Electic Bazar Cie, la Cie POC, Etienne Saglio, Benoït Fauchier, Fragan Gehlker & Alexis Auffray, Aourell Krausse & Tatiana Mosio-Bongonga, Karim Randé, Jorn & Eflam Gehlker, Magnetic Ensemble, Madeleine Cazenave, Les Psychophones Réunis, la cie Sacékripa, Fabien Gruau with les Aires, Attention Fragile, le Ré Grave, the jokers of la Grosse B and Cirque In Extrémiste for the teeterboard drop, Cumbia Bario Loco, les Toi d'Abord, not forgetting Les Goélands, the Bal Ouvert's participants, Raoul Lambert and his caravan, the introduction to the Vol de l'Oie Sauvage on Sunday morning, Mad Eo Jeu's games, le KIT, the children that participated in the workshops with their parents... and all our friends-vounteers who helped us out, the ones who never fail to be there, the newcomers and the dilettantes...
The artists that were part of Tant qu'il y aura des Mouettes 2012:
the artists from the Compagnie Galapiat setting up new productions "Sobre el Camino de la Ruta", "Mad in Finland", Compagnie Mauvais Coton, Cheptel Aleikoum, Circo Pacheco Kaulen y Hermanos, atelier Lefeuvre-André, Mika Kaski and Pierre Déaux, Willy Good Wood, "Extrémités" by Cirque Inextrémiste, Collectif Volkanik and Bjalas Roza, Pad Brapad, Vasquez-Mustillo duo, "Chienne ou Louve"... and movies accompanied by live music, Argentinian, Chilean, Finnish artists. Not forgetting Les Goélands.
In 2011, we partook with:
Collectif Petaouchnok, Les Baltringues, (a performance displaying the fit up of a big top), Mika Kasky and Pierre Déaux (acrobatics, Dijon-France and Finland), Georges and Vincent Martinez, "Les portes du supermarché" (weeble-slam), Compagnie Mauvais Coton, Justa Pugna (joust on tight wire, Bourg St andéol-France) accompanied by Jacques Schneider, Outis and Georges, No Mad (Klezmer, Grenoble-France), Compagnie La Conserverie with "La Tête en confiote" (Clown and tight wire, Toulouse-France), horses (Julien and Stéphanie, Guingamp-France), Trois points de suspension with "Voyage en bordure du bord du bout du monde" (Thonon les bains-France), Zaw (intimate and music to dance to from Brittany), Jacques Schneider with "Demi molle", (bicycle and rope), Lotta and Stina (balance board, Finland), Compagnie du Bruit qui Court (Saumur-France), Pire que debout with "Toute seule contre vous même", Urubu (Brasilian music, Lille- Roscoff / France), Les Polyamides sisters (Impromptu in a tent), BAM (teeterboard-acrobatics-Chinese pole), Les Oeils (Rennes-France), The Postman Quartet (Nantes-France), Mad eo Jeu (Roche Derrien-France).
In 2011, lots of place was given to amateur artists: a grand ball was set up by all the musicians present at the festival, nonprofessional as well as professional (volunteers, artists, technicians...), the sideshow "Puisque j'existe" (an ambulation from one caravan to another, in the land of the old ladies (old Ladies’ territory ?)..., an introduction to Breton wrestling, pottery initiation workshops offered by la Briqueterie. Not forgetting Les Goélands, an open stage event on sunday afternoon and a thrilling collaboration with the charity Emmaüs for the construction of the scenography and setting of the festival.
Frederic Leypinay |
After two crazy family festivals, a third edition is on its way in 2010. 
With a no fuss , no worry attitude, in a raw and simple way, for the third time, circus and music met and it was explosive!
Sharing the bill: "Quand on y songe" by Maud Ambroise (flexible pole), "Sur la route"by Compagnie Les Colporteurs (tight wire), "Mouette en piste 1" by Sanna and Miku (trapeze) (Sweden), Heini (aerial silks) (Finland / Brittany, Emile (juggling) (Toulouse-France), Léo Blois (acrobatics / ski) (Châlon - France), Céline (corde lisse) (Toulouse-France), The Imperials (music), Raquel and Nicolas from the Compagnie des Nouveaux Nez (clown), Electric Bazar Compagnie (Concert), "2" by Ptit Cirk, "In Extremiste" by Compagnie As pa de maioun (trampoline), "Apartés" by the Compagnie Singulière, "Mouettes en Piste 2" by Les étoiles, Les Colporteurs, Odilon Pindat (trebuchet in a big top), Berta and Miranda in a contortion duo, Monsieur le directeur, Ieto, Maion and Wenn, Francis Jackson, kite confection workshops...
Some of the circus skills that were to be seen: static trapeze, acrobatics, juggling, flexible pole, trampoline, tight wire, kite, aerial silks, acrobatics / ski, corde lisse, clown, trebuchet, teeterboard...
Dadaelprod |
Seagulls 2009, top billing:
Les Vieilles Pies, Charivari, Chérid'Amour, Swan, Wildmimi Antigroove Syndicate, Sanya Kosonen & Rauli Kosonen, Jens, Grue and Rune, Rosalie, "Thomas parle d'amour" (Compagnie Attention Fragile), Takadidoum, Flying mouettes, Toron blues, Les Faux Frères, "Soliloques" (Compagnie Singulière), Maho.
Kim met Ronan.
49 full price and 27 half price mOuettes passes were sold.
3 mobile structures: one big top hosting the shows (300 seats), one Werdyn big top for the concerts, one big top for the catering, and one performance in the Grand Pré theatre, performances in the open air,
2 heavy trucks.
35 music and circus artists,
13 young people of "charivari",
17 drummers from Takadidoum
17 performances during 3 days and 2 days of previews
1241 tickets sold and approximately 2500 participants.
3 big top sound and light technicians + 2 Grand Pré theatre technicians
2 big top gentlemen
1 set designer
6 galapiats
29 commited volunteers
20 meals during 4 days, then 40 meals during 4 days again and up to 200 meals during the festival!!!
16 artists accommodated by locals
5 local families offered accommodation
10-12 tents
And a few dogs
27 caravans et 1 gypsy caravan.
2008, Tant qu’il y aura des Mouettes #1 !
2008, top billing:
Rémi Luchez (slack wire), Pierre Déaux (wire), Benoit Charpe (unicycle on a trampoline), Zaboumboum, Zoomarchitecture, Rosalie (clown), "Dans mes bras" by Attraction Céleste, Etienne Saglio (object manipulation), Tanguy Simoneau (Cyr wheel), Julien Clément (juggling), Cheptel Aléïkoum (aerial frame), Mocombo, Trio Manouch.
3 mobile structures: one big top hosting the shows (400 seats), one big top hosting the bar and concerts, one yurt (50 seats), an outdoor swing set, a stable...
36 artists: 3 circus companies (Attraction Céleste, Galapiat, Melem), 8 circus artists performing in a solo, in different acts and artistic exchanges, 3 bands for 17 musicians. Approximately 1000 tickets sold
3 big top sound and light technicians + 2 Grand Pré theatre technicians
4 architects-set designers volunteered to look after the public areas and outdoor setting
23 commited volunteers during the 4 days that lasted the festival
1 volunteer worked part time during 6 months
4 volunteers worked part time during 1 month
The technical department of the city council took an active part in the setting up of the open spaces, the general layout and the Grand Pré theatre...
70 meals were served, lunch and dinner during 4 days
25 artists accommodated by locals
8 local families offered accommodation
58 new members
5-6 tents on the football field that was used as a camping ground
2 dogs
10 caravans et 3 gypsy caravans.