Driven by the success of their collective production Risque Zéro, the 6 founding artists of Galapiat Companynow present new artistic projects that are supported by Galapiat Cirque:
BOI, a show initiated by Jonas Séradin
Capilotractées, a duet conceived by Elice Abonce Muhonen and Sanja Kosonen
C'est quand qu'on va où !?, a show set up by Sébastien Armengol, written and directed by Émilie Bonnafous
Château Descartes, a big top performance set up by Lucho Smit
la F.R.A.P., Force de Recherche et d'Action Poétique (The Research and Poetical Action Force), an"in situ" creation in progress collectively set up by Jonas Séradin, Barbara Gay, Céline Valette, Chloé Derrouaz, Federico Robledo, Yves-Marie Leguen, Nanda Suc and Madeg Menguy
Marathon, a solo performance by Sébastien Wojdan
Mad in Finland, a collective production set up by Elice Abonce Muhonen
Parasites, a trio initiated by Moïse Bernier
Sur le Chemin de la Route, a show-gathering set up by Sébastien Armengol and Émilie Bonnafous
La Brise de la Pastille, un duo initié par Moïse Bernier
L'herbe tendre, a duet conceived by Jonas Séradin & Sébastien Wojdan
Attraction Capillaire, a duet conceived by Elice Abonce Muhonen & Sanja Kosonen
L'âne & la carotte, a solo performance by Lucho Smit